TV Lawyer Advertising – May / June 2016

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BLF Magazine Issue 40

Lawyer TV Ads

Lawyer TV Ads: Broadcast your firm through the static

Many attorneys hesitate to try different strategies or show personality in their TV ads, and even more may wonder: Is it possible to make a good TV ad, and is it worth the investment to try? Like all marketing efforts, making a9n effective TV ad can be tricky.

Write effective website copy

Writing for the web is different than writing for print publications. Both the audience and the way by which readers consume information is distinct to each medium. You want to make sure your content will be read, understood and acted upon by the right people.

Could auto injury law be a casualty of self-driving cars?

Autonomous vehicles have the potential to change cities and lives just as much as the automobile did throughout the first half of the 20th century.


Does your firm really need a social media presence?

How to turn facts about your firm into marketing benefits.

The pros and cons of allowing public website comments.

Zapier offers integrations that automate tasks and save time for attorneys.