Blogging Your Opinions and News Brings You Money-Making Traffic

BY Thomas Johnson



If your firm does not have blog, now is the time to get one – either on your company’s website or off-site. The numbers on the Internet’s marketing viability are clear: people are following blog feeds on websites like Tumblr and WordPress. Of those two, Tumblr’s ratings are hastily increasing.

What is the difference between the two?

The tone of a WordPress blog is formal while that of a Tumblr blog is more relaxed. What does this say about blogging, given the high rise of followers on Tumblr? Readers – blog followers – want to be talked to like they are real, not just numbers with flesh and minds or zombie readers, but alive and kicking readers that wish to be entertained at the same time as receiving important information.

How Can You Blog Better?

Communicate with the reader and know the audience and target demographic. Lawyers can use a blog to share the firm’s successful record with the prospective clients.

Did you just win a case? Were the odds stacked against you or your client? Is it a case that you can discuss? Here is an example:

Today our law firm won another case and helped save another life. We had a client in West Hampton that was facing a terrible foreclosure, but through the help of the client and the tact of our law firm, we were able to talk the judge into a settlement with the client. This is why we became lawyers, not to just make money, but to help people like this client out.

While this example might be overly dramatic or not your style, keep in mind that if someone reads a blog piece like this while they are searching for a lawyer that handles bankruptcy or foreclosure; they will probably be more inclined to give this lawyer a chance despite the costs. Why?

You might get that business because you are real, you have shown that you care, you clearly know your audience and you took the time to communicate.

Let the tone of your blog fit your audience. People reading a blog about the newest technology likely want to read numbers, figures and how this new thing works. Readers of a law firm’s blog are often in a more emotional place. If they are looking for a lawyer, it is usually because they are in a jam and need legal help. This kind of vulnerability lends itself to a slightly more emotional write-up of the firm’s strengths.

More frequent blogging will help your firm get noticed. The more you update, and update not only with essential content, but strategically placed non-egregious keywords, the better your chances of getting ranked higher on search engines for keyword terms and the better your chances of landing new clients.

Thomas Johnson

Thomas Johnson is a staff contributor to Bigger Law Firm Magazine and serves on Adviatech's Search Strategy board.


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