Visual Cues & Microinteractions in Law Firm Web Design

Visual Cues & Microinteractions in Law Firm Web Design

Little things can have a big effect on how users navigate through a web page, and what they pay attention to or ignore. Subtle cues, like the direction subjects are looking in a picture, splashes of color, or even small arrows can be used to direct visitors to the most important parts of a page.…

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A Lawyer’s Guide to Developing High-Ranking Content

Law firms operate in competitive environments, which means having high-ranking content is vital to gaining website traffic and leads that convert. Not only does having great content make for a better website, but it also boosts rankings as search engines are known to reward sites that have quality, original content. There are several key components…

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Techniques for Effective Calls to Action on Law Firm Websites

Call to Action on Legal Websites

A call to action (CTA) is an essential feature of any website that hopes to convert its visitors into clients. Calls to action have become increasingly important in a world of short attention spans where people decide in a matter of seconds whether to act or move on to the next website. For attorneys, the…

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Stop Design From Getting In Your Way

Design Conversion Killer

Wonder why your website is not converting leads the way you think it should? You might be the victim of design-based conversion killers. Attorneys’ websites are not simply online brochures. A website serves many functions for a firm, and one of the most important of these functions is lead generation. Your website should be bringing…

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