
Top Emerging Design Trends for Law Firm Websites in 2018

Law firms trying to stand out from competitors know that having an effective website is essential for creating a good first impression on potential clients. Websites need to be designed to ensure they appeal to the target audience while conveying the brand’s message and personality. Because web design is constantly evolving with both fresh ideas…

Call to Action on Legal Websites

Techniques for Effective Calls to Action on Law Firm Websites

A call to action (CTA) is an essential feature of any website that hopes to convert its visitors into clients. Calls to action have become increasingly important in a world of short attention spans where people decide in a matter of seconds whether to act or move on to the next website. For attorneys, the…

Design Conversion Killer

Stop Design From Getting In Your Way

Wonder why your website is not converting leads the way you think it should? You might be the victim of design-based conversion killers. Attorneys’ websites are not simply online brochures. A website serves many functions for a firm, and one of the most important of these functions is lead generation. Your website should be bringing…

Five things the best attorney websites have in common

Ask 20 people what is best about a website’s design and you will likely receive 20 different answers. A good website, however, is one that delivers traffic and conversions. Ideally, a good website is also visually striking, with attractive design that goes hand-in-hand with performance. But not always. Designing a website that holds visitors’ attention…

YouTube Remarketing

Can YouTube Remarketing Help Law Firms Make a Lasting Impression?


Remarketing offers law firms an opportunity to recapture the elusive attention of website visitors who fail to convert to clients the first time around. Think of it as your second chance to appeal to your target audience. Getting people to your website is just the first step. Once visitors land on the site, they must…

How to Protect Your Brand Assets

Your firm’s brand assets are worthy of your attention (and protection). Buzzwords are alive and well in the marketing industry, and branding is certainly a hot one. The term in its many forms is used so frequently that its true meaning is often lost. But the underlying truth of branding is real and important, no…

How Powerful Law Firms Write Effective Web Content


When your firm is creating website content, you want to make sure it will be read, understood and acted upon by the right people. Creating website copy is different from writing for print publications. There are some best practices that attorneys can use to fully engage their readers. The Nielsen Norman Group, a prominent consulting…

Should Your Law Firm’s Website Allow Comments and Questions?


Should a law firm allow public comments on its website? Should attorneys answer questions from users? An attorney’s instinctual answer may be No. Attorneys answering questions from the public raises issues of potential malpractice liability, and website comment sections are notorious for attracting a low form of discourse. Law firms are also likely to want…

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