
Ethical Considerations, Security Concerns and the Cloud


More firms are moving toward cloud-based solutions to enhance productivity and cut down on paper. This shift has ethical implications surrounding offsite data storage and security. What are these issues and how can attorneys address them?   Even though your firm may not yet be using cloud computing, a great deal of the work you…

Are your client files in the Cloud these days?


If you are running an up-to-date law office with all the latest in technology, you may already be familiar with many of the file storage options available for your client files. If you are still in search of a better storage alternative and are looking for a good of-site solution for your files, you do…

How the Cloud Can Transform Your Law Practice


You have probably heard of “the cloud” and how it is revolutionizing the way people use computers and the Internet. But you may not be clear about what the term means and what distinguishes it from the Internet itself. “Cloud computing” refers to a service that includes the use of computer hardware and the delivery…

Microsoft Tablet vs. iPad: Is There Any Real Competition?


There will always be new technology on the market claiming to be the best, brightest, fastest and most innovative. You have to wonder how it is possible for so many stellar products to be on the market at the same time, and which one is really the best. It is a good question, particularly for…

How To Find the Right Time to Upgrade


It can seem like every time you turn around, there is yet another Microsoft upgrade that you just cannot live without. Or, can you? In its most recent offering, Microsoft is rolling out Windows 8 and Office 2013. Is your firm ready to embrace another change? Or does your staff want to cry, “Just let…

Ignorance of Technology is no Excuse

Did you ever suspect when you went to law school that one day simply being a great attorney might not be enough? Now, lawyers must also understand technology to keep up with the law, their clients, and the world at large. It is a daunting task at times, as technology changes so quickly, and not…

Lights, Camera, Actionable!


This month we talk to life-long independent filmmaker Raymond Daigle, the producer, director and editor, at his San Francisco Bay Area-based video production company, Daigle Digital. Online at There was a time when attorneys left the on-camera work to their television doppelgangers and the few brave colleagues who ventured into late night television advertising.…

Video Blogging: Create Impact

Yes, you have the time and technology to add videos to your law firm’s website. It may be easier than you think. Video blogging is quick, effective and packs a punch for those viewing it. Most people are visual, and seeing a video and hearing what you have to say is often more powerful than…

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