
Let’s Untie the Knot

Let’s Untie the Knot – the Latest Trend in Online Lawyering

Most people do not get married thinking they are going to get divorced. However, sometimes things happen and a divorce looms on the horizon. Retaining an attorney for the divorce can be quite costly. In fact, the average cost of just one family attorney can run to $17,250. If both parties hire attorneys, then the…

Say Hello To Your Robot Lawyer

Law Firms, Say Hello to Your Robot Lawyer

The new robot lawyer will be better than the human one with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). The use of AI, although still in its infancy, is changing the legal profession profoundly. What is AI? Artificial intelligence is the term used when computers and machines are able to perform tasks that are characteristic of human…

Text a Lawyer

Text a Lawyer: Can An App Increase Access to Legal Services?

Text a Lawyer is a new service, scheduled to launch soon, that promises to connect people with legal questions to a lawyer who can answer questions for a low-cost, set fee. Text a Lawyer will offer real legal advice from verified attorneys. Text a Lawyer is designed to provide access to legal assistance to anyone,…

Smart Contracts: Blockchain’s Lawyer-Killer?

Smart Contracts: Blockchain’s Lawyer-Killer?

By now you may have heard that blockchain is going to change the world. Cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and their many competitors, which run on blockchains, are already enabling highly secure monetary transactions, both legal and illegal. More recently, you may have come across articles speculating that a related technology called “smart contracts” may…

How Artificial Intelligence Is Transforming Legal Ethics

Artificial intelligence (AI), a process that mimics certain operations of the human mind, is transforming legal ethics. However, using emerging and existing technologies to practice law raises complicated and complex ethical issues. Consider some of the latest additions of legal technology: A voice-activated personal assistant such as the RightsNOW App that handles legal research questions. While…

What Happens Now with Net Neutrality?

The federal government has undone net neutrality rules, but states, tech companies and activists have not given up the fight for an open internet. Network neutrality is the principle that all data on the internet should be treated equally, and internet service providers (ISPs) should not be allowed to give certain apps or services special…

Tali Time Tracker: Capture Time by Voice

Tali Time Tracker: Capture Time by Voice

Tali Time Tracker is the newest method for recording time for busy attorneys and other professionals. Using Tali is as simple as asking Alexa to tell Tali that you have begun a task. Tali then records the time you have spent on your task and displays it in a dashboard. After reviewing your daily activity,…

News Flash: Law Firm Newsrooms Get The Word Out

“Journalists are moving away from wire services,” says Steve Momorella, founder and owner of Tekgroup, a Virginia company that has developed software to help businesses establish an online newsroom. Tekgroup recently released the findings of its 17th annual survey of journalists regarding their attitudes towards business newsrooms. Among the conclusions is that if most businesses…

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