How To Host a Free Web Conference

BY Krystina Steffen


Collaborate with colleagues and clients, reach out to new prospects and make productive connections for your firm.

Holding a conference online can transform the possibilities of collaborating with colleagues, speaking with clients, and reaching out to new prospects for cases and referrals. With simple applications that are free, a law firm can host a web conference from anywhere. A powerful app such as allows users to hold a web meeting in real time. No longer do lawyers have to waste gas money, time, and order a costly buffet of food and drinks to have a seminar., for example, lets a conference have as many as 250 participants. The app works with mobile devices too, so any virtual attendees using an iPhone, iPad, or Android device can access the conference. Once a person has opened the app, all it takes is pressing the share button to broadcast the presenter’s screen. All the attendees have to do is type in a code to join the meeting. And, voila, everyone will be able to see the conference and interact over a conference line too.

Free web conferencing can have a big impact on your law firm in at least three ways.

For colleagues and collaborators

A web conference allows you to have a meeting without all the fuss. You can schedule something last minute or plan weekly and monthly meetings that allow everyone to attend from the comfort of their office or remote workplace. You can even connect back to the home office while you are on breaks during court proceedings to go over key documents, important tasks, or show a colleague how to do something. This can also be a great tool to utilize with case experts and discuss critical evidence or the strategy of your presentation. Or perhaps you want to get all the key people of a case together. Holding a web conference to get multiple parties on the same page is super easy and allows you to get a lot more done in a more efficient amount of time.

For clients

The evolving lawyer works with clients in the way that best suits the client. In cases of personal injury or family law, for example, it might be hard for the client to make it into the office. Think of the client that is healing from serious injuries or taking care of four kids on her own. When you can have a web conference with them, it shows that you care. Also, you might want to get together a few people at a time. In a personal injury case, this can be a great way for you to speak to the person, his or her doctor, a witness that saw the incident, and so on.

For prospects, referrals, and marketing

Many law firms like to organize seminars onsite or offsite in their region to inform the public and gain new clients. For instance, business attorneys will hold a seminar for CEOs or entrepreneurs. The firm could invite far more attendees than a typical restaurant or facility could handle, and truly gain more clients and referrals for far less costs than food and a conference room. Plus, this lets the potential client join in from the comfort of their office or wherever they might be. You can integrate charts, videos, PowerPoint slides, and more. does have pro versions for a small cost of $149 a year if you want to have international conference lines, multiple presenters and other personalized features.

Online conferences can also be forums for you to show off your expertise. A lawyer can promote a conference about trending topics or subjects people always need a refresher on. You can promote the online conference on your firm’s social media sites, main website, email blast all relevant contacts, and even pitch the idea to the media. By incorporating the online conference into your marketing mix you can reach a wider audience and show you are technologically evolving too.

Krystina Steffen

Krystina Steffen is a former contributor to Bigger Law Firm Magazine.


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