
This case is a paperless file UWY-CV24-6078305-S MOORE, OBRIEN & FOTI v. THOMSON REUTERS Et Al

Law Firm Sues Thomson Reuters Over Failure to Launch New FindLaw Website After Exchanging 134 Emails


Connecticut-based law firm Moore, O’Brien & Foti has filed a lawsuit against Thomson Reuters and its subsidiary FindLaw, alleging a string of failures that left the firm without a functional website despite paying substantial fees. The case, filed on May 23, 2024, in the Superior Court of Connecticut, sheds light on the potential pitfalls law…

George Bailey arrested as depicted by DALL-E from ChatGPT

The Crimes of George Bailey and the People of Bedford Falls in ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’


Last weekend, you may have taken part in what is now a Christmas tradition by watching the classic holiday movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” directed by Frank Capra and released in 1946. The film tells the story of George Bailey, a man who sacrifices his personal dreams for the betterment of his community in Bedford…

Best live chat for lawyers

What are the best live chat services for lawyers?


Your law firm has invested hundreds of thousands of dollars to get people to your website. Once their, you have to make it easy to contact your firm and that means offering more than just a contact form and phone number. Live chat services can help connect you to prospective clients who are ready to…

Beat movies for young lawyers

The 4 Best Law-related Movies That All Young Lawyers Should Watch


We asked legal professionals from various fields to share their favorite law-related movies and the valuable lessons young lawyers can learn from them. To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) In the deeply segregated town of Maycomb, Alabama, during the 1930s, “To Kill a Mockingbird” tells the poignant tale of Scout Finch, a young girl caught in…

Bilingual lawyer meeting with a client

Harnessing the Power of Bilingual SEO for Law Firms


Bilingual law firms have a unique opportunity to broaden their client base and extend their services to a wider demographic. However, just being bilingual is not enough; effectively leveraging bilingual SEO can make a significant difference. This article will explore the concept of bilingual law firm SEO, its benefits, and how to implement it for…

Google Changes the Rules for AI Content

Google has Changed their Mind About AI Generated Content


Their change in terms essentially amounts to, “Yes, you can use AI tools to help create quality content but it had better be good.”

Law Firm Marketing Director

What Makes a Great Law Firm Marketing Director?


In an ever-changing legal landscape, an exceptional Law Firm Marketing Director stays ahead of the curve. They adopt a visionary perspective to navigate through intricate legal landscapes and drive the firm’s marketing initiatives. This involves identifying market trends, predicting client needs, and planning innovative marketing strategies to secure a competitive edge.

Writing press releases for law firms

How Law Firms Can Effectively Use Press Releases


Press releases allow law firms to share their successes, announce new hires or promotions, and position themselves as thought leaders in their respective practice areas. In this article, I will share best practices for writing a great title, writing a great summary, and telling your story in a meaningful way, as well as provide scenarios…

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