How to Make the Most of Your Latest Press Mention

BY Hannah Felfe

How to Make the Most of Your Latest Press Mention


While third party validation feels amazing, rather than simply enjoying the attention because of your law firm’s success, take the time to boost your media presence after you have received that first press mention.

Positive press mentions make law firms stand out against competition. They add to a firm’s reputation and name recognition while helping with online marketing techniques like link building and SEO.

Christopher Earley, a personal injury and workers compensation lawyer in Boston, believes that “press mentions are crucial for law firms because they enhance a firm’s credibility, which helps the firm project an image as an authority.”

Competition in the legal world is fierce. Simply Googling “personal injury lawyer,” for example, provides thousands of results and dozens of law firms near the searcher, all competing for attention. Thus, rather than being just another variable in a world full of lawyers, make your firm stand out on its own. Press mentions get your firm’s name in front of readers online, and perhaps in print as well, they provide third-party verification of your firm’s trustworthiness.

A firm can blog about its own productivity and success, but there is always the question of integrity. However, third-party publications suggest that you have knowledge about the relevant subject and that your firm has a powerful presence. You are not just telling potential clients you are informed and experienced, you are showing them.

Press mentions do not happen in a vacuum and, just like an online marketing strategy, cannot rely on only one tactic. If your firm has consistently superior online content, reporters are more likely to want to use you as a source. First, a reporter must see you as credible before they would be willing to quote you in a press mention. Once they give you that recognition, more reporters in the future are likely to see your firm as a good source.

Here are some easy steps your firm can take to maximize media exposure, build links, and further your online reach and presence.

Make your presence known
The reporter who quotes your firm and mentions your name should send you a link to the published article. Make an effort to comment on the article to start a discussion with the readers and to share it with your social media followers. By doing this, you are promoting readership. You can also express your thanks in the comments or in an email to the reporter, and offer to help with more projects in the future. This builds a relationship between your firm and the writer.

Make your mention go viral
Forward the article to your colleagues, who may further forward the piece or even provide a shoutout on their own sites. By sending out the article, you will build positive connections that may help nurture referrals. If you work with certain associations, share your article with them. They might post the article, which would provide a further avenue for potential clients to hear about your firm. This will also positively benefit the reporter, reinforcing your relationship and strengthening your name recognition and reputation.

Another way to increase views is to circulate the article to previous or current clients. It will remind them that they made a good choice in choosing to work with your firm, serving as an affirmation of your services. They may even send your information or the article mention to friends and family, again increasing the likelihood of referral leads.

Share on social media and email
If your firm has a newsletter, include any articles in which you have been mentioned in the emails you send out. Post the link to your social media outlets like Twitter and Facebook. Add hashtags and @ mentions for the reporter and outlet to amplify your reach. If your firm does not have a newsletter or social media, you should strongly consider these as a way to further your reach and online presence.

Link to the press mention from your LinkedIn profile, your directory profiles and your firm’s website, in addition to sharing it on Twitter and Facebook. Posting a note in your biography and website that you welcome press mentions can also be beneficial. You can use a service like Help a Reporter Out (HARO) to connect with journalists who are looking for sources.

Blog about press mentions
If your firm has a blog, and it should, blog about your press mentions and link to the articles. Blogging not only gives you a way to add fresh, relevant content to your site, it also gives you the opportunity to further comment on the topic of the article, which reinforces your knowledge and trustworthiness.

Terence Murnin of Lamber Goodnow stresses that for his legal team, “it’s paramount that we remain innovative and creative — and we live it every day.” Personal career development is crucial for a growing business as well as professionalism.

Receiving a press mention is not the end goal. Rather, a mention is the first step in building relationships, trust and quality links to your website. Link building is especially important for increasing your search rankings, generating more website traffic and potential leads. In the end, a press mention is what you decide to make of it. Put your name out there today.

Hannah Felfe

Hannah Felfe is a staff contributor for Bigger Law Firm Magazine.


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