Article Schema Markups for Lawyers: Custom Legal Marketing Releases New Video to Help Demystify Schema Markups

Article Schema Markups for Lawyers: Custom Legal Marketing Releases New Video to Help Demystify Schema Markups


San Francisco, California – Schema markups are a powerful tool that many law firms don’t take advantage of. But Custom Legal Marketing is changing that with their new video series on Schema Markups for Lawyers.

In the first video, which talks about Article Schemas, Custom Legal Marketing’s co-founder, Jason Bland talks about the different variants of Article Schema while also providing examples of how Google sees text-based content and what the search giant can do with your content when you properly structure your content.

Schema markups for Google, also known as structured data, represent a semantic vocabulary encoded into the backend of a website or individual web page to facilitate Google’s comprehension of the site’s content. By integrating schema markups into a law firm’s page content, the firm can deliver an enhanced summary of their pages as well as the intent of how they want the content consumed, thus helping Google know how to use the content in their index. Google supports over 30 schema markups which can range across various types, including markups for articles, how-tos, local businesses, events, products, reviews, and more.

By using schema markups, law firms can provide essential signals to Google about their content’s nature and structure, improving their site’s chances of being prominently displayed in enriched search results, such as featured snippets or knowledge graphs, which ultimately help drive more cases to their firm, which is what law firm SEO is all about.

Custom Legal Marketing’s series on schemas will be limited to the schema markups that apply to lawyers. Google supports markups for recipes, education, and movies that don’t apply to law firm marketing objectives. Thus, the series will focus only on the schema markups that are the most helpful for lawyers.

“I’ve always been excited about schema markups because you’re kind of collaborating with Google’s algorithm to help them help you by basically saying, ‘This is what the content is about, and this is how you want you to feature it.’ Of course, Google ultimately decides what to do with your content once it’s in their index, but if you communicate your intent properly through schema markups, you have a good chance of getting featured,” said Jason Bland.

Last month, the 18-year-old law firm marketing company released a video on generative AI and law firm SEO.

In 2022, Custom Legal Marketing took over a vacant space on the third floor of their San Francisco office and built CLM Studio, a video and podcasting studio. The studio has produced award-winning commercials for law firms as well as training videos to support internal marketing departments at some of the most prestigious law firms in the country.

This year, Custom Legal Marketing plans to release a lot of valuable video content to help lawyers and law firm marketing directors take advantage of underutilized SEO techniques and tools, like schema markups.

Article Schema for Lawyers: Help Google Help Your Law Firm” and other videos are available on Custom Legal Marketing’s YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/@customlegalmarketing.

Custom Legal Marketing is a law firm SEO and digital marketing agency for lawyers. Since 2005, CLM has been helping law firms get more cases through award-winning designs and search engine marketing.

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