Attorney Elliotte Quinn Talks to Count On 2 About Century Aluminum Lawsuit

Attorney Elliotte Quinn Talks to Count On 2 About Century Aluminum Lawsuit


Goose Creek, South Carolina – A class-action lawsuit against Century Aluminum Company and Century Aluminum South Carolina, Inc. was filed by Steinberg Law Firm. The lawsuit alleges the companies released excessive quantities of hazardous particulates in September 2023, injuring and causing property damage for local residents.

Elliotte Quinn, an attorney at Steinberg Law Firm, spoke to Count On 2 on November 15th saying, “There are 15 people that are named on the lawsuit as named plaintiffs, but the lawsuit asserts claims for anyone that lives within seven miles of the smelter and lived there from September 3rd through September 30th of 2023. As a class action, the idea is that this encompasses everyone that experienced this. Ultimately a court has to approve the case going forward as a class action. Also, we have heard from significantly more than just those 15 people.”

According to the filed lawsuit, the company’s smelter began releasing an excessive amount of particulates, primarily alumina, into the air in 2023. The particulates, small enough to float in the air, allegedly caused bodily harm to local residents and damage to their properties.

The lawsuit further alleges that Century Aluminum’s filtering systems, meant to capture these particulates before release, failed on multiple instances in September 2023. Despite being aware of these system failures, the lawsuit claims that Century Aluminum continued smelter operations, resulting in the discharge of substantial amounts of harmful particles into the air around Goose Creek.

These particulates allegedly were caught in and irritated resident’s throats, eyes, and noses and were inhaled into residents’ lungs, causing shortness of breath, asthma attacks, headaches, and other problems. The lawsuit also claims that the alumina particles settled on homes and vehicles in the area, causing significant damage to paint and finishes.

The suit filed as a proposed class action, could potentially benefit residents living within a seven-mile radius of the smelter from September 3 to 30, 2023.

For more information or to schedule a free consultation visit https://www.steinberglawfirm.com/personal-injury/class-actions/century-aluminum-dust-particle-lawsuit/ .

Steinberg Law Firm is committed to seeking justice for those affected and offers free consultations, pledging to only collect a fee if the case is won.

Leslie Deaver on behalf of herself and a class of all others similarly situated,
v. Century Aluminum Company and Century Aluminum of South Carolina, Inc.
U.S. District Court, District of South Carolina, Charleston Division
Case Number: 2:23-cv-05766-RMG
Download: Deaver v. Century Aluminum Company (PDF)

The Steinberg Law Firm has been assisting victims of negligence in South Carolina since 1927 including personal injury, workers’ compensation, and car accidents. For more information, please contact the firm at 843-720-2800.

Steinberg Law Firm
118 S Goose Creek Blvd
Goose Creek, SC 29445
(843) 720-2800
Press Contact : Patti Baron

Distributed by Law Firm Newswire 

This story is published through a partnership with Law Firm Newswire. The editorial staff of Bigger Law Firm Magazine did not contribute to this article. The views expressed are solely those of the source of the news release and do not reflect the views of Law Firm Newswire or Bigger Law Firm Magazine. Questions related to this story should be directed to the media contact referenced in the article. 

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