Attorney Richard M. Wirtz of Wirtz Law Named Nation’s Top One Percent by NADC

Attorney Richard M. Wirtz of Wirtz Law Named Nation’s Top One Percent by NADC


San Diego, California – Wirtz Law APC, a leading San Diego-based lemon law firm, is proud to announce that Richard M. Wirtz, the firm’s founder and principal attorney, has been selected as a member of the Nation’s Top One Percent by the National Association of Distinguished Counsel (NADC). The NADC is an organization dedicated to promoting the highest standards of legal excellence and recognizing attorneys who elevate the standards of the Bar and provide a benchmark for other lawyers to emulate.

Membership in the NADC is highly selective, with attorneys undergoing a thorough vetting process by a research team, being selected by a blue ribbon panel of attorneys with podium status from independently neutral organizations, and approved by a judicial review board as exhibiting virtue in the practice of law. Only the top one percent of attorneys in the United States are awarded membership in the NADC, making it an elite class of advocates consisting of the finest leaders of the legal profession from across the nation.

Richard Wirtz’s selection to this prestigious group is a testament to his exceptional legal skills, unwavering dedication to his clients, and commitment to upholding the highest standards of the legal profession. With over two decades of experience practicing law, Wirtz has established himself as a leading litigator that aggressively fights for the rights of consumers and has built a reputation for being one of California’s leading lemon law attorneys.

“I am honored to be recognized by the National Association of Distinguished Counsel as a member of the Nation’s Top One Percent of attorneys,” said Wirtz. “This distinction is a reflection of my commitment to providing exceptional legal representation to my clients and upholding the highest standards of the legal profession.”

Wirtz Law APC is a lemon law firm based in San Diego with offices in Los Angeles and Laguna Beach. The law firm provides legal representation in lemon law cases throughout California. Their lawyers have recovered more than $40 million for their clients, including actual damages and civil penalties against automakers and distributors.

Wirtz Law tries more cases to jury verdict in a year than most attorneys attempt in a career. Over the past several years, Wirtz Law has recovered millions for California consumers and is one of the most respected lemon attorneys in the state.

Wirtz Law
4370 La Jolla Village Drive Suite 800
San Diego, CA 92122
(858) 879-3557
Press Contact : Richard Wirtz

Distributed by Law Firm Newswire 

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