Defense Firm, Patituce & Associates, Delivers Three Notable Acquittals Led by Attorneys Meehan, Patituce, and Schwartz

Defense Firm, Patituce & Associates, Delivers Three Notable Acquittals Led by Attorneys Meehan, Patituce, and Schwartz


Cleveland, Ohio – In a remarkable display of legal finesse and dedication to justice, the defense team at Patituce & Associates secured three significant acquittals in high-profile cases, spearheaded by attorneys Catherine Meehan, Joseph Patituce, and Aaron Schwartz.

In the first case their client, Mr. Valenti, was accused of inappropriate behavior towards a minor, Attorney Catherine Meehan led the defense. Despite facing a plea offer from prosecutors, Meehan’s meticulous investigation uncovered glaring credibility issues with the allegations. Opting for trial, Meehan adeptly demonstrated that the purported victim had fabricated the offense, resulting in a complete acquittal on all charges.

Attorney Joseph Patituce took on the defense of Mr. Scott, charged with vehicular homicide following a fatal car accident in the second case. Through exhaustive investigation, Patituce unearthed crucial evidence overlooked by the prosecution. Enhanced video footage revealed that the deceased’s vehicle had encroached into Mr. Scott’s path, shifting the narrative of fault. Patituce’s compelling presentation of evidence led to a resounding acquittal for his client.

Finally, the third case was a DUI charge involving Susan Smith, Attorney Patituce and Senior Associate Attorney Aaron Schwartz joined forces to mount a vigorous defense. They successfully challenged the validity of the blood alcohol test and presented compelling evidence contradicting the State’s assertions. Through meticulous analysis and skillful testimony, the defense team dismantled the prosecution’s case, ultimately securing Smith’s full acquittal on all charges.

These cases underscore the unwavering commitment of Patituce & Associates Attorneys at Law to providing top-tier legal representation, ensuring that justice prevails for their clients in even the most challenging circumstances.

For media inquiries or further information, please visit PatituceLaw.com.


Northern District of Ohio
State v. Mario Valenti
Case No. 2023-CR-046

State v. Smith
Case No. CR-23-681972-A

State v. Scott
Case No. CR-0144

Patituce & Associates believes in providing experienced legal defense for clients facing the most troubling, confusing times of their lives. With more than three decades of legal experience, the team has been able to take 200+ cases to trial. Their team consists of former prosecutors, attorneys who are licensed to practice in four different states, and attorneys who have been regularly featured in the media.

Patituce & Associates Attorneys at Law
600 Superior Avenue East,
Suite 1358
Cleveland, OH 44114
(216) 350-1204
Press Contact : Joe Patituce

Distributed by Law Firm Newswire 

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