How Will Generative AI Change Law Firm SEO? Custom Legal Marketing Does a Deep Dive in Newly Released Video

How Will Generative AI Change Law Firm SEO? Custom Legal Marketing Does a Deep Dive in Newly Released Video


San Francisco, California – Custom Legal Marketing has announced the release of a new video on their YouTube Channel and the first edition of their “Let’s Talk About Law Firm SEO” series called “Let’s Talk About Generative AI and Law Firm SEO.” The video features Jason Bland, co-founder of Custom Legal Marketing, who has been helping law firms generate cases using SEO for over 18 years.

The video provides an in-depth look of generative AI tools like ChatGPT, and their impact on law firm SEO. Jason Bland helps viewers understand how Google’s major shift in content policies, which now allows AI-generated content in its index, is actually raising the bar for quality content and is not an invitation to produce low-quality AI-driven articles.

However, Jason cautions, “Generative AI is disruptive for SEO, but not in a bad way. It’s going to make SEO much harder. You can’t expect to flood your law firm’s website with AI-generated content and win the SEO game.”

The video highlights several key areas, including experiments conducted by CLM with ChatGPT, along with the OpenAI/ChatGPT integration with Bing’s search results. The video also examines You.com, a new search engine integrating generative chatbots with their results, and how these two search engines may give us clues as to how generative AI will co-exist in search as the technology evolves.

With Google enjoying 90% of search market share, Jason wastes no time going over the new generative search feature that was announced at this year’s Google I/O conference.

“Google’s Generative search results provide more robust and source-credited information, creating additional opportunities for law firms to be featured at the top of the search results page,” says Jason.

“Let’s Talk About Generative AI and Law Firm SEO” was produced in Custom Legal Marketing’s studio in San Francisco, CA. The award-winning studio has produced commercials and training videos for law firms as well as features that are exclusive for firms working with the SEO company.

YouTube viewers can watch the new video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9L-uB3c_3U.

Custom Legal Marketing is a law firm SEO and digital marketing agency for lawyers. Since 2005, CLM has been helping law firms get more cases through award-winning designs and search engine marketing.

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