New York Criminal Defense Lawyer, Peter E. Brill Helps Client in Resentencing Case Get Reduced Time in Prison

New York Criminal Defense Lawyer, Peter E. Brill Helps Client in Resentencing Case Get Reduced Time in Prison


New York, NY – Kevin Pinero belonged to a gang as a teen and committed acts of violence and distributed drugs. Gang rivalries led the then 19-year-old Pinero to shoot one man and kill a delivery driver. Pinero thought the delivery driver, William Shaw, was going to kill him. Shaw was a rival drug dealer.

Pinero felt justified at the time of the killing. As years passed, self-examination led him to a different conclusion. “Mr. Pinero realized even if he was correct about Mr. Shaw’s intention to kill him, there could have been another way to address the problem. Over the years, Mr. Pinero matured,” indicated criminal defense attorney Peter E. Brill of the Brill Legal Group. Mr. Pinero had become a model prisoner, working to ease the difficulties of prison staff and fellow inmates through work assignments in trusted positions he was given at the prison.

Pinero’s original sentence was 35 years, followed by five years of supervised release. The new sentence imposed on Mr. Pinero was 21 years, followed by five years of supervised release..

Criminal defense attorney, Peter E. Brill, explained, “Clients facing criminal investigation or prosecution need a strong, responsive team that can utilize all available means to preserve their freedom. We deliver aggressive and smart defenses no matter what the accusation. We strive to insulate all clients from overzealous prosecution and heavy-handed punishment.”

At the Brill Legal Group, P.C., defendants receive top-notch criminal defense from highly dedicated, motivated attorneys. Call the Brill Legal Group at 212-233-4141 or Toll-Free: 888-315-9841.

Brill Legal Group's primary criminal defense attorney, Peter Brill, is a former assistant district attorney who knows the law inside and out. His understanding of how prosecutors think and operate gives him a distinct advantage when entering the courtroom or sitting down at the bargaining table. He is supported by the Brill Legal Group’s team of highly experienced criminal law attorneys who have tried hundreds of cases. These accomplished lawyers bring a collective wealth of knowledge and experience that is second to none on Long Island or the Five Boroughs.

Brill Legal Group
64 Hilton Avenue
Hempstead, NY 11550
Press Contact : Peter Brill

This story is published through a partnership with Law Firm Newswire. The editorial staff of Bigger Law Firm Magazine did not contribute to this article. The views expressed are solely those of the source of the news release and do not reflect the views of Law Firm Newswire or Bigger Law Firm Magazine. Questions related to this story should be directed to the media contact referenced in the article. 

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