Steinberg Law Firm Champions Pediatric Care: Helps Raise Over $230K for MUSC Shawn Jenkins Children’s Hospital

Steinberg Law Firm Champions Pediatric Care: Helps Raise Over $230K for MUSC Shawn Jenkins Children’s Hospital

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Charleston, South Carolina – The Steinberg Law Firm, a long-standing pillar of the Charleston community, once again proved their commitment to service by assisting the MUSC Shawn Jenkins Children’s Hospital in raising over $230K, providing crucial funding for pediatric care and research. Attorneys and staff manned the telephone banks, answering donation calls and reaching out to their personal and professional networks for donations. The firm was also a sponsor of the event, providing funding for the radio ads promoting the event.

Known for their dedication to representing the underserved, Steinberg Law Firm collaborated with local businesses and individuals to rally behind MUSC Shawn Jenkins Children’s Hospital. The funds raised go directly towards advancing pediatric research and providing top-tier care for the children of Charleston and surrounding communities.

“The Steinberg Law Firm has always been about more than legal representation. We firmly believe in giving back to our community and making a difference,” said David Pearlman, spokesman and attorney at Steinberg Law Firm. “Partnering with the MUSC Shawn Jenkins Children’s Hospital aligns perfectly with these values. We’re honored to play our part in supporting this incredible institution.”

The Steinberg Law Firm’s commitment to philanthropy is deeply ingrained in its company culture. Their involvement with the MUSC Shawn Jenkins Children’s Hospital is the latest endeavor in their long history of community service. Over the years, the firm has supported numerous local charities, educational institutions, and community projects, reflecting their unwavering dedication to the people of Charleston.

Based in Charleston, South Carolina, Steinberg Law Firm’s attorneys have been helping injured workers (Abogados trabajo y accidentes laborales) and accident victims for over 95 years. Their team of dedicated and experienced personal injury attorneys is committed to providing the highest level of legal representation. The firm’s dedication to the community is deeply rooted in its belief that everyone deserves justice.

The Steinberg Law Firm has been assisting victims of negligence in South Carolina since 1927 including personal injury, workers’ compensation, and car accidents.

Steinberg Law Firm
61 Broad Street
Charleston, SC 29401
Press Contact : Patti Barron

Distributed by Law Firm Newswire"}]] 

This story is published through a partnership with Law Firm Newswire. The editorial staff of Bigger Law Firm Magazine did not contribute to this article. The views expressed are solely those of the source of the news release and do not reflect the views of Law Firm Newswire or Bigger Law Firm Magazine. Questions related to this story should be directed to the media contact referenced in the article. 

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