Re-Publishing Content to Maximize Exposure and Marketing Results

BY Roxanne Minott

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Marketing software provider Moz claims that Google rewards the re-publishing of content. Google frequently performs tests to determine whether a piece of content was well-received by viewers, and it may position that piece of content on the first page of the results and determine how well it fares with a small amount of searchers.

If many people click on the link and viewers are not clicking the back button, thereby suggesting that it has a large engagement, Google will think that the page should remain on the web for a longer period of time. But if one does not re-publish, one cannot rule out that a particular issue with the posting had to do with an insufficient amount of engagement to enable Google to keep the link on the search engine results page (SERP), the list of results delivered by a search engine in response to a keyword query. Maybe the posting had all the makings of a high-ranking post, but the searcher engagement was lacking.

Fresh publishing frequently provides its own increase in rankings. There tends to be an association between positive rankings and the appearance of a recent date in the SERPs. This is based upon an analysis of SERPscape performed by Russ Jones, a Principal Search Scientist at Moz. SERPscape is a data set and tool created by Jones that stores data on 40,000,000 U.S. search results, and consists of an application program interface (API), that can ask the data about what is displayed in the results.

Publishing many times
By publishing several times about the same topic, Google may begin to associate the writer with it, and include that writer’s posts in an increasing number of search queries about that topic. When one publishes several pieces of content, Google tends to provide many opportunities to increase the number of links, and the amount of engagement with one’s posts increases.

How can lawyers take advantage of this?
Lawyers can reap the benefits of re-published content by posting several pieces of content about the same subject matter. Because Google allows the writer’s name to appear more frequently with this strategy, the lawyer can establish him- or herself as an authority figure on a given topic. By posting frequently on their blogs and writing newsletters and press releases, attorneys will realize a large amount of engagement on their websites, thereby resulting in an increase in the number of links, as well as a rise in the number of search queries about their areas of expertise.

Such frequent re-publishing of content by attorneys will serve to promote and market their law practice in that their blogs and articles will gain new followers, which can potentially result in new clients and an increase in revenue. Those attorneys who post frequently will eventually be perceived as experts in their fields of law, and will be sought after by current and new clients for legal advice. The media may also contact them to provide seminars and answer questions on topics relevant to their practice areas. In addition, re-publishing content can enable lawyers to reach a larger audience, including other legal professionals who can refer them clients in their practice area, thereby leading to a mutually beneficial relationship.

What type of content can attorneys re-publish?
Attorneys could re-publish various types of content, including blogs, press releases and newsletter articles that discuss their areas of expertise. Posting relevant content consistently will help attorneys develop a loyal following of readers who will look forward to viewing the attorneys’ articles on a regular basis. One can also obtain ideas for content to re-publish by visiting the websites of competitors.

Attorneys can also re-publish videos in which they discuss their law practice and the types of legal services that they offer. By doing this, they are increasing the likelihood that people will view them several times, and will contact them for a legal consultation. Current and prospective clients will likely be able to detect whether the lawyer is someone who is personable, trustworthy and knowledgeable about their practice areas.

Furthermore, attorneys may wish to re-publish frequently asked questions that many of their clients have asked in the past, or that they anticipate several clients will ask. By re-publishing frequently asked questions, they are providing a service to those who may have legal issues that are addressed by these FAQs. One concern that some lawyers have is the provision of free advice and information. However, giving such advice and information will only serve to communicate to one’s audience that one is passionate about one’s profession and about helping people, and will, in all likelihood, result in attorney-client relationships that offer remuneration.

Moreover, re-publishing articles on social media sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Google+ is an effective way to market oneself among other legal professionals and to the community at large. Posting on a professional network such as LinkedIn will ensure that one gains much exposure to prospective clients, some of whom may feel more comfortable contacting an attorney via a social media platform than the traditional modes of contact, such as by telephone, email and in person. Attorneys who re-publish their articles via social media sites can realize a wider reach of viewers, to whom they can provide legal advice and ultimately, legal services.

Why would Google reward such content?
Google rewards re-publishing of content because it communicates to Google and viewers that the writer is an authority on a given topic, and strengthens the association that Google has with the writer’s website. The more often one re-publishes content that targets the same keywords that were present in the original article, and that is an update of the previous article, the more likely the newer content will rank highly in search engines.

As one repeats the re-publishing of content by adding to a previously published blog post or article, one will eventually become better at this process, and the quality of the content will improve over time. The re-publication of several pieces of content will result in an increase in the number of links, ample opportunities to engage with social media and a rise in the content’s ranking on search engines.
Once the content’s ranking is in the top two or three results, this will increase the click-through rate (CTR) of the content.
The CTR represents the number of viewers who click on a certain link out of the entire number of viewers who land on a page, email or advertisement. It is used to evaluate the success of an online ad campaign for a website. Thus, it is to one’s advantage to consistently re-publish content that adds value, for in so doing, one will be successful at promoting and marketing one’s legal services.

Roxanne Minott

Roxanne Minott is a staff contributor to Bigger Law Firm Magazine and legal content writer for Custom Legal Marketing.


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