How Attorneys can use SlideShark for Mobile Presentations

BY Kerrie Spencer



It can be frustrating to carry a laptop to meetings, depositions and other obligations, especially if you are also toting the lawyer's ubiquitous paper files. Making a presentation to a judge or opposing counsel can be awkward without the “right” kind of equipment — the kind that does not require added screens, hookups, microphones, special applications or split-second synching. Some days, your job requires a great deal of ingenuity, perspicacity and good old-fashioned determination. It helps when you have the best technology to back up your team.

If you want slick tech for powerful mobile presentations (and really, what other kind of mobile presentation should there be?), then you might enjoy SlideShark. SlideShark is an app created and developed by BrainShark that allows you to broadcast live presentations from your iPad or iPhone. You can even hand the iPad over to a judge and let him or her watch it independently; Slideshark allows you to keep speaking for your client without pausing to become a presentation tech.

This flexible application works seamlessly in the cloud; anyone can watch, live, as presentation slides are displayed on the screen. SlideShark is ideal for keeping your team up to speed on a case file, whether they are sitting next to you or in a room hundreds of miles away. It is a simple application that works without requiring a computer of any kind, and it's much simpler than dealing with the configuration challenges of GotoMeeting or WebEX.

Want to annotate slides? No problem. With SlideShark, you can use a highlighter, pen tool or laser pointer feature. You can ask others to join your presentation on the fly by sending a private link to your show. You can even add extra password security protection. All of these are free features that you may access without a BrainShark account. Should you choose to sign up for one, the relatively new SlideShark Pro allows you to access SlideShark Broadcasting and gives you more storage space. If you use SlideShark to make presentationsoften, and if they are often complex, SlideShark Pro may offer attractive incentives to your firm.

Not that long ago, laptop portability represented an astounding technological leap. Now, the same computer seems to vaguely resemble a small car when you're stuck lugging it. iPads and tablets can perform some pretty amazing feats on their own. SlideShark is a problem-solver for this new wave of technology, tackling presentations quickly and wirelessly. It is notably easy to move legal presentations onto SlideShark and to load them to the SlideShark site, either by allowing the application to sync or by using Dropbox, GoodReader or Box.

There are still a few glitches to monitor. Sharing presentations via LinkedIn, Twitter, email or Facebook does not always work as well as it could. Slides often appear blurry when shared in those ways. Also, the application does requires a browser to have Flash installed. However, you can work around this sometimes sticky point by using Chrome as your browser. Currently, SlideShark does not offer the tools to create presentations directly within the application itself. For now, this application is slanted towards those who already create presentations on PC or Mac software.

Still, the pros definitely outweigh the cons. On SlideShark, you are able to get creative with your existing presentations: you can add timers, timed slides that change automatically, animations and presentation notes. It can be very helpful to upload presentations through SlideShark’s website, and then download them to the app for use offline. You're even able to add presentations with iPad's Mail app. Simply tap and hold the file, then select “Open” in SlideShark.

Many cost-conscious attorneys may find SlideShark appealing for another reason: it's free. The basic system comes with 100MB of space. If you want to upgrade, you may choose from two plans: $49/year for up to 500 MB and $95/year for 1GB.

To read more features, check out this website for the complete list of what SlideShark can do for you:

Kerrie Spencer

Kerrie Spencer is a staff contributor to Bigger Law Firm Magazine.


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