Trending for 2020 – Law Firm Advertising on LinkedIn

BY Kerrie Spencer

Law Firm Advertising on LinkedIn


As an active law firm that wants to keep potential and existing customers in the pipeline, will likely spend marketing dollars on Facebook advertising. This social platform is easy to use with millions of users. However, in 2020, Facebook is not the only social media platform law firms should be focusing on.

Facebook and some of the other social networks like Twitter or Instagram are effective for advertising. Recently, however, LinkedIn is beginning to make inroads into advertising services with their B2B targeting options.

LinkedIn is a viable option for law firms. Over 120 members join LinkedIn every minute. That is a huge number of people firms could reach easily.

LinkedIn's options are quite prolific and, some say, perhaps more robust than what is offered by Facebook's ad targeting options. If the rumors about LinkedIn's changes in advertising are true, the platform may lead the pack in 2020.

B2B marketers head over to LinkedIn simply because that is where they can find professionals. With that in mind, LinkedIn has optimized its targeting options to let marketers fine tune their ad goals to target specific professionals. Do you want an ad highlighting your law firm's tenacious litigation team? No problem. How about an ad that focuses on seeking plaintiffs for a class action lawsuit? That can be done as well.

Who is your target audience? This is something you need to know before you launch any ads on LinkedIn. To know your demographics is to know precisely where to target. It is worth checking out the latest and newest B2B options offered by LinkedIn to see if your law firm may be one of the many business owners/mangers that are going to take their marketing dollars to LinkedIn.

Before you do head over to LinkedIn, make sure your law firm has the budget to accomplish your marketing goals. LinkedIn, thanks to the wide range of things they offer, is going to be more expensive than advertising on Facebook. This can quickly become a non-issue if you get the results you wanted.

The first thing to know about LinkedIn ads, is that you are able to create ads based on what you need to achieve. Before you do anything, make a list of goals for your ad campaign. Some of those points could include:

  • Website visits
  • Brand awareness
  • Lead generation
  • Conversions
  • Engagement
  • Video views
  • Job seekers

The most common goals are lead generation, website visitor increase and video views. When creating your ads make them specific to the goals you are aiming for. The ad needs to be clear and precise.

Luckily, advertising on LinkedIn is approachable and streamlined. Moreover, the algorithm is not as picky as Facebook.

LinkedIn offers several different ad types:

  • Sponsored content
  • Text ads
  • Sponsored InMail
  • Video ads

The last thing to consider is the demographic your firm wants to reach. Think about the audience you want to have. When creating the ad campaign there are many groups of people you could target. This can include male or female, age, work experience, lower or upper management, geographic area, or perhaps how long have they held their jobs. These are important factors to consider.

LinkedIn is a great plafrom for advertising. Any law firm, large or small, can easily make themselves visible on this social media platform.

Kerrie Spencer

Kerrie Spencer is a staff contributor to Bigger Law Firm Magazine.


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