Your Law Firm and the QR Code
BY Kerrie Spencer

Law firm marketing campaigns can use QR codes to attract more mobile users and potential clients. QR codes are the latest tool for legal firms to increase results in their marketing campaigns, and the best thing about them is how fast, effective and versatile they are. They can be used in emails, snail mail, for high-tech business cards or just about any piece of marketing collateral.
For those that are not familiar with what a QR code is, it is remarkably similar to price bar codes seen on items in a supermarket or other stores. While it does not have a barcode, its function is to pass information to people accessing the code. QR code stands for quick response, and is a pixellated collection of information contained inside a small square filled with dots. Think of pointillism, but on a much smaller scale.
As with a barcode, QR codes may be personalized, created in large batches and may contain a link to a website or show a specific message. Law firms can show a map to locate the firm, videos, news releases, brand promotions, legal articles to educate people, or special announcements. It can even lead viewers to interactive web features.
How does someone access this little bundle of information? It is done with an optical scanner, or with software applications that interpret the code. For example, many iPhones and Android phones are programmed to read QR codes. Via a cellphone camera, the viewer can focus on the QR code and then click to have the code converted.
This technology has fantastic applications for the busy lawyer. Put a QR code on your business card and the client can then have access to information on filing a medical malpractice lawsuit, how to file for a divorce, or whatever you want them to connect to with your firm.
Think QR codes are just a fad? Eighty five percent of legal marketers know about QR codes, 35 percent already utilize them and 45 percent said they will use them in 2012. Which category are you in?
Because more and more people use mobile devices to stay in touch, a law firm can access a broader base of potential clients searching for legal guidance by using QR codes. Using a service such as Vizibility,, is a major benefit for a law office already using QR codes. The company offers a “search me” version of a QR code that can be used as part of an email signature or placed on a social media site. You can put this code on any media you want and take it anywhere, including professional conferences or events, press releases and special announcements.
A law firm or individual attorney’s QR code may be expanded to add information. However, expanding the postage stamp sized code base usually corrupts the data. It is best to stick to a smaller, more compact QR code to ensure it is readable. The QR code needs to have white space around where it is placed so it will not get mixed up with irrelevant data close to it. Law firms and solo lawyers can make a free QR code online, and the top 10 can be found online,
With a QR code, a law firm has full control over content, the flexibility to change it, and the information can be read at very high speed. This tool will be utilized more for cutting-edge legal marketing. The possibilities are endless as this small black and white box has the capacity to tell the whole world about you and your law firm on demand.