The Trouble with Google Places

It has been a year and a half since Google made Google Places (formerly Google Local) an integrated part of their search results. Prior to this change, Google would display local listings at the top of a search page listed A-G, then display natural SEO results below that. Then they merged the local listings with…

Ask an Expert: Twitter and Client Development King Kevin O’Keefe


How important is Twitter? Kevin O’Keefe put it this way in one of his blog posts: “In addition to Twitter possibly being the single biggest personal branding tool since the television, Twitter provides lawyers a powerful information network and relationship building tool.” That’s a powerful statement — but it’s one that is on the mark.…

Optimization Obiter Dicta: Let’s Keep In Touch


Law firms spend a lot of money getting potential clients to call or contact them. From the local Yellow Pages that can cost thousands of dollars a month, to bus wrapping and taxicab ads, to billboards and of course online marketing, the investment can add up. Some mid-size law firms are spending upwards of $1…

YouTube: A Mandatory Social Networking Opportunity for Lawyers


Your firm runs a high risk of missing out on the mobile wave of the future that carries with it trillions of potential clients if you are not using social media to get your message out. Believe it or not, one form of social media will help potential clients get a feel for your firm…

Search Goes Social


Throughout history, getting more customers has always been about being first in line. That is why ACME sold so many gadgets to Wile E. Coyote and it’s why no company ever named itself ZZZ Appliance Repair. In the age of search engines, the alphabet is largely irrelevant. An entire industry has devoted itself to helping…

Find Your Niche Expertise & Market it for More Clients and Financial Benefits


Solo lawyers and those in big firms have more competition than ever for their services and expertise. Allegiances to firms are fading as businesses and individuals are looking for the best value for their money. Not only are people looking for the best fees, but they want the highest level of expertise they can get.…

Increase Website Traffic and Links with Political Content

Your wise elders may have told you to “never mix business with politics and religion”. Generally speaking, this is a sound philosophy. People tend to be a little touchy about another person’s views regarding eternal damnation and the role government should play in our lives. However, lawyers are in a different position. Regardless of what…

Think and Write Rich – How compelling content improves search engine ranking and conversion.

Think laterally to write compelling content. SEO marketing and rich content must be concise and compelling to attract readers and clients. Feature will go over how to think laterally when it comes to content ideas, pick up on hot trends for storylines, and how rich content can help resolve marketing & business development challenges. At…

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