Your Law Firm and the QR Code

Law firm marketing campaigns can use QR codes to attract more mobile users and potential clients. QR codes are the latest tool for legal firms to increase results in their marketing campaigns, and the best thing about them is how fast, effective and versatile they are. They can be used in emails, snail mail, for…

Search Engine Optimization: Cheaters Always Win… But Only At First

Search engine optimization is much like a very large single parent family with a bunch of overachieving children. Each child is trying to get the attention of the one parent. In this case, the parent is Google. One by one, the children (websites) stand on their head, get endorsements from some of the other children,…

How To: Create an Online Media Room


The media page on a law firm’s website is an excellent resource for reporters looking for information about the practice, but it is going to be read by more than just the press. A media room or press room is traditionally the place where the most up-to-date information can be found about a company, so…

How Podcasting and iTunes Can Change Your Law Practice


Multimedia can give your law firm an edge over the competition. An important part of a multimedia marketing campaign is podcasting. Yes, even lawyers who barely have time to answer all their calls can do podcasts, and they really should because they have the potential to attract new clients, land invitations to speak at a…

Getting Multiple Websites Listing in Google Places

Last month, I offered insight on how Google is forcing lawyers to have just one website by not allowing them to attach more than one URL to their Google Places profile. This causes a special challenge for lawyers who have multiple websites to focus on multiple, unrelated practice areas. If you are a law firm,…

How To Host a Free Web Conference


Collaborate with colleagues and clients, reach out to new prospects and make productive connections for your firm. Holding a conference online can transform the possibilities of collaborating with colleagues, speaking with clients, and reaching out to new prospects for cases and referrals. With simple applications that are free, a law firm can host a web…

Make Connections With Online Video Marketing

New York-based medical malpractice and personal injury lawyer Gerald Oginski started doing online videos back in 2006 to help drum up potential clients. It was out of necessity, really. “Most of the attorneys were using the same crappy advertising to market their services,” said Oginski, who has gone on to create more than 500 such…

The Large and the Small of Attorney Website Design


Websites are simultaneously getting bigger for desktops while shrinking for mobile devices. Optimize your web presence by designing for both. Back in the ancient online days of the late 1990s and early 2000s, web designers, marketing firms and the attorneys they worked for enjoyed a simpler time. Many people still relied on traditional yellow page…

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