
Note-Taking Apps: Taking Notes Has Never Been Easier


A busy lawyer usually wants the latest and most versatile applications for taking notes while on the go. Blogs covering various applications released for this niche have been hinting that Ever note’s Penultimate and Circus Ponies may be the next must-have applications. Our review of the apps finds that they do have helpful features for…

Attorneys: Review Case Progress Easily with Case Evaluator Tools


When you are running a busy law practice, there are a lot of details you need to organize and oversee. The days of doing everything by hand on paper are gone. Instead, modern technologies can now create time for you to get organized and cross just about everything off your to-do list every day. One…

Mobile personal assistants help attorneys stay organized and connected


If you spend a great deal of time out of your office either in court or in meetings, you may want to consider the latest in mobile personal assistants to help keep you on track. Technology has advanced rapidly since the early days of voice recognition, and modern assistant apps come surprisingly close to emulating…

Hardware Tools for Mobile Lawyers


What do you do when you are out of the office with documents that need to be somewhere fast? Working while mobile can require more than just apps – the right hardware is a necessity, too. Life in the mobile fast lane is much easier now, thanks to the creativity of several technology developers. They’ve…

fermata: Taking Legal Holds Into the Cloud


fermata is a cloud-based software application for issuing and managing legal holds. Software company cicayda plans to introduce a series of e-discovery tools. fermata is cicayda’s first released product. Because fermata is cloud-based, it is accessed solely via your web browser. Because there is no software to install and logging in is highly secure, you…

Social Networking for Lawyers: Now It’s Personal


Law firms have long enjoyed a divide between the practice of law and the practice of marketing. The television, phone book, and newspapers brought in the cases and the lawyers handled them. To many long established attorneys, this seems like a distant memory painted with the pastels of an idealistic yesteryear. What makes social marketing…

Responsive Design: Build it Once and Build for All


One of the most resilient web trends to come out of 2012 is responsive web design. In the past, mobile browsers were weak, while websites served watered down content on a separate site, often under a domain different from the desktop version. Responsive layouts take advantage of the latest CSS to resize the same HTML…

Optimizing for Mobile Search


As smart phones have proliferated, more and more people are conducting online searches with their mobile devices rather than a desktop computer. This includes not only on-the-go searches such as nearby restaurants, but also law firms. Is your firm’s website optimized for mobile search? Why Mobile Search Matters It is estimated that about 25 percent…

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