There is More to Instagram Than Just Attorney Selfies

BY Kerrie Spencer

There is More to Instagram Than Just Attorney Selfies


There are so many media platforms out there for law firms and lawyers; it is hard to decide which one to use. Which one is going to provide the best return on investment? For many attorneys, the most used social media platforms are Facebook and LinkedIn. Instagram less so.

Let us examine Instagram more closely. As of 2020, this platform has 1 billion monthly users globally, and the highest number of users is in the United States at 130 million.

Instagram is not just about posting selfies, food photos or extravagant vacation pictures. Instagram can also be used for direct messaging, posting stories, shopping and more.

Instagram's versatility and many valuable tools can prove useful to many law firms looking for exposure, conversions and brand building. Posts can be created to capture the attention of existing and current clients. The platform is also helpful for networking in the legal community for referrals and other purposes.

To start with, when thinking about setting up an Instagram account, law firms and their attorneys need to understand to keep business and personal life separate. It is best to set up a business and personal Instagram account and keep them separate. Set up a professional Instagram account for the firm. Doing so means you can run promotions and ads and take advantage of the analytic tools. To set up a law firm business account, you can do so via your Facebook business account or sign up using your phone number and law firm business email. Use the Instagram link on other pages, such as the firm's Facebook page.

Remember to use the exact, registered legal name of the law firm on all social media platforms, Google My Business, website and directories. Take the time to optimize your Instagram profile and make it easy to find. Include the law firm's website URL, the logo, and a description or tagline. No matter what you do to set up an Instagram business account, always include links back to the firm's website in any descriptions you post.

Now that you have your firm's business Instagram account, what is next? Develop a strategy for posting about the firm's culture and brand. Here are some ideas you may wish to consider:

• Introduce all of the attorneys and partners.
• Introduce all of the staff and various team members.
• Post important current legal decisions in your practice areas.
• Highlight charity and philanthropic events in your posts.
• Talk about what is happening in the community.
• Post about winning lawsuits and settlements.
• Post pictures and videos of the office and employees.
• Client testimonials make excellent posts.
• Have each attorney post information about their practice areas but not provide legal advice.

If your law firm is considering Instagram, know that you are moving toward improving and increasing your digital reach.

Kerrie Spencer

Kerrie Spencer is a staff contributor to Bigger Law Firm Magazine.


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